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Rachel and I enjoying a night high above

Indianapolis’ skyline!



Rachel and I enjoying a night high above

Indianapolis’ skyline!

Always looking forward to our next adventure, Rachel and I have, many times, pushed out of our comfort zones to continuously expand our understanding of the world.

Rachel, who retired from teaching 3 years ago, has helped countless students over her 30+ years in her classrooms.  Rachel will now have more time to focus on our 5 grandkids.  We will also have more time to travel, water ski, snow ski, camp, hike, swim and fly N724DT!   

As do I, an aeronautical engineer, who has founded one successful company,; and is presently placing a second,, on hold while finishing N724DT, as we activate On Wings of Glass, LLC.  I continue to enjoy coaching Middle School and High School ( springboard diving and introducing our grand-kids to all the excitement of life.

December 31, 2016 marked the last day of my BSA Troop 191's 28 year existence with its 32 Eagles and countless high adventure memories of Christ-centered, father-son bonding during camping, skiing, rappelling, mountain climbing, shot gun shooting, caving, hiking, canoeing, sailing, etc.  

Approximately a month prior to my 70th birthday my daughter, Ericka, asked, “Dad, what would you like for your birthday?”  I answered, “Just surprise me, Ericka.” About a week later Kara Riggs, one of my Eagle Scout's mother, asked me to celebrate our June 23rd birthdays together.  I replied, “Thanks, so much.  However, this year I’m sure that my family will be throwing a big celebration for such a big milestone year.  Let’s plan to celebrate together next year.” 

Time passed and the home front was strangely quiet regarding my upcoming birthday.  I started to feel a bit sorry for myself; as our family had always gone all out for birthdays – especially, the ones landing on the decade markers.  A week before June 23 the silence became deafening; so, I texted Kara, “I’ll accept your offer.  Let’s do lunch with Rachel and Troy!”   I was thoroughly enjoying our downtown Indy lunch when Rachel said, “You really need to eat.”  Troy then received a call and relayed, “FOX 59 is at my office.”  I assumed that they were there to interview him; so, I snarfed down my hamburger.

Arriving at Troy’s office, he said, “Lawrence, I would like to introduce you to someone.  Do you have time to come inside?”  A bit puzzled, I replied, “Sure.”  On my way up the stairs, I heard applause and saw my scouts, a few of their parents and my daughter, Ericka – who (with Kara Riggs and my scout troop’s assistance) had helped pull off the surprise of a lifetime, as recorded in this FOX 59 clip.

Now that a portion of On Wings of Glass, LLC’s charter is aviation construction, finishing N724DT into my job #1.  Over the years, as a result of countless God-inputs (Sparkles), I have come to realize that getting N724DT into the air MUST be accomplished before I will be allowed success on other (efficient, affordable turbine engine) life projects.  I'll never know if my above understanding is true, until N724DT flies!   

As a result of experiential evidence and foundational to our lives, is our deep belief,  in Jesus Christ (the Messiah), the King of kings and Lord of lords of our lives and of this world. Flowing directly from our belief, is our deep commitment to our country as USA patriots - praying that enough of our citizens return to the Biblical values on which it was founded to turn our ship of state around, to, once again, make what is right, right and what is wrong, wrong!

One major objective for our world trip is to raise monies for research efforts to eradicate heart disease (Lawrence - 100% recovered!), breast & skin cancer (Rachel - now cancer free!) and autism (to completely understand its root causes).  Please understand that 100% of the monies raised, after administrative costs (< 11%) are deducted, will be donated directly to the one or more or the above charities, as you so direct.  



Indiana Reunion: July 2024


Indiana Reunion: July 2024

During the years of their youth, we introduced our children, Craig, Ericka, Mark and Ryan, first to Biblical based values, hard work, the value of money, respect and kindness to others.  After which we exposed them to soccer, track, baseball, basketball, rappelling, swimming, water & snow skiing, hiking, flying, camping and backpacking. We introduced them to all (still owe Ryan, Maine!) the lower 48 states, as well as to Canada, Mexico and the Bahamas before they graduated from high school. In, so doing, our passion for high adventure infused our kid's spirits.  

Craig, a HS Physics Teacher, married Mandy ( and they have Annalise (11) & Tate (9). Ryan, a HS Technology Education Teacher, and Sabrina, his wife, have one son, Josiah (11).  Ericka, our daughter, teaches middle school English as a Second Language (ESL) in Indianapolis.  She has a missionary heart (  Our son, Mark, and his wife, Janelle are VERY High Adventure mountain/rock climbing guides ( ). They have a daughter, Sayla (6) and a son, Luka (4).  

All are making a very positive difference in their spheres of influence.  Rachel and I have been blessed by their lives; and look toward their futures, and ours, with high expectations, as we know that THE BEST IS YET, TO COME!!!!!